Transfer pricing policies of multinational businesses can have a huge impact on the distribution of the taxable profits of such businesses.
The intra-group transactions of multinational businesses are being scrutinised closely by the Tax Authorities in India. K&M's comprehensive
Transfer Pricing Service practice helps multinational businesses to develop and implement beneficial and acceptable transfer pricing policies,
document such policies and outcomes and respond to challenges by Tax Authorities.
We at K&M, based on our long-standing experience in the field of transfer pricing, bring to the table the right mix of global perspective and insights
of how Indian Tax Authorities view transfer pricing policies and transactions and how tax optimisation structures can be built.
We build, manage, document, review and defend transfer pricing policies of multinational businesses in line with their business strategies.
Our people are equipped with globalised ideas to help multinationals in developing proactive, pragmatic and integrated strategies that address the tax risks of today's
We can assist you with the following:
- Development of strategies and policies in compliance with the Indian Transfer Pricing Regulations.
- Develop transfer pricing documentation and master files, coordinated across all your territories and harmonised with Indian Regulations.
- Develop better understanding of your transfer pricing risks, and implement consistent and defensible practices when controversies arise.
- Preparation of Transfer Pricing Study Reports.
- Transfer Pricing Certification.
- Representation before the Assessing and Appellate Authorities.
- Filing applications for APAs.